Paladin Langfrist:

A new fund with interesting prospects.

The best of two worlds.

Smaller companies - greater opportunities.

Performance fee only once the NAV has doubled

Get on board now!

Subscription period ends in May 2025

Exclusive investments – attractive conditions!

For professional and semi-professional investors, there is now a short window of opportunity: the best of private equity and listed equity in one fund. Investments are focussed on the future-oriented sectors of healthcare, environment and technology; in companies that have a long runway to continue to grow profitably at double-digit rates for years to come.
We have already been able to make the first particularly attractive investments and others are in the pipeline. Some of these investments are only accessible via an investment in Paladin Langfrist.
Paladin Langfrist is backed by the Management Board of Paladin Asset Management, which is known for their meticulous in-depth analyses.

The aim is to at least double the net asset value of the portfolio within seven years.

The conditions are also exceptional: until the value of the fund has at least doubled for investors, only 0.5% management fee is charged.

The best of two worlds.

Paladin Langfrist provides long-term and constructive support to listed and unlisted companies. Paladin Langfrist is a reliable investor, especially in the current difficult capital market environment for smaller companies. In return, we benefit from being able to acquire minority shareholdings in promising companies on the stock market at extremely favourable prices; prices that a well-informed owner would hardly accept outside the stock market.

The listed investments are supplemented by unlisted investments, which are allocated very selectively. Two investments with a very special risk/reward profile were secured here.

Smaller companies – greater potential.

Smaller, medium-sized companies have historically performed significantly better than large, mature companies. This does not mean that there were no phases of underperformance. However, these have always been temporary, followed by phases of significant price recovery. 

The current phase of weakness on the capital market for smaller companies is unusually pronounced. If the development follows the historical pattern, a subsequent positive countermovement could be substantial and provide meaningful upside. 

Currently, we face fantastic opportunities at prices that we have not seen for decades. We benefit here from our long-standing contacts with the companies; and the companies have a reliable partner in Paladin Langfrist in a difficult capital market environment. 

Three convincing arguments for Paladin Langfrist.

Paladin Langfrist focuses on supporting companies in the future-oriented sectors of healthcare, environment and technology.

Sector of the future:

The healthcare sector is driven by numerous megatrends and offers investors and companies a wide range of growth opportunities.

Increasing life expectancy worldwide is leading to a growing number of older people. They generally require more medical care. Older people also suffer more frequently from chronic illnesses that require long-term medical care.

Technological advances are leading to new therapies, faster development cycles and revolutionizing healthcare. Personalized treatments based on genetic data are becoming increasingly important and the development of new medical devices and implants is opening up new treatment options.

People are willing to spend more money on their health due to the existing prosperity.

Events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have heightened awareness of the importance of sustainable healthcare. Governments and private companies are increasingly investing in the expansion of a robust healthcare infrastructure.

New therapeutic approaches offer hope of a cure for previously incurable diseases and are revolutionizing the treatment of cancer and other widespread diseases.

The combination of demographic change, technological progress and growing health awareness makes the healthcare sector an attractive long-term investment area.

Sector of the future:

The environmental sector is undoubtedly one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The reasons for this are diverse and far-reaching:

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The urgency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and find sustainable solutions is driving demand for environmentally friendly technologies and services.

The growing world population and rising consumption are leading to an increasing scarcity of natural resources. The development of sustainable production and consumption models is becoming increasingly important.

Many countries are introducing stricter environmental laws and regulations to protect the environment and combat climate change. Companies must adapt to these new requirements and invest in environmentally friendly technologies.

The environmental sector is a driver of innovation. New technologies and business models are constantly emerging to solve environmental problems, for example:

  • Renewable energies: The production of electricity from renewable sources such as solar, wind and hydropower is growing rapidly.
  • Energy efficiency: Measures to increase energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport are of great importance.
  • Sustainable mobility: electric mobility, cycling infrastructure and public transport are becoming increasingly important.
  • Sustainable agriculture: Methods for sustainable and resource-conserving agriculture are becoming increasingly important.

The environmental sector therefore offers numerous opportunities for companies and investors. The growing importance of sustainability, stricter environmental regulations and the increasing demand for environmentally friendly products and services make the environmental sector one of the most important growth drivers of the future.

Sector of the future:

Technology is undoubtedly one of the most influential developments of our time and is driving numerous industries forward. It is not just an industry of the future, but rather the engine that is revolutionizing almost all areas of our lives.

Technology makes it possible to develop new products, services and business models that were previously unthinkable. It opens up new markets and business areas, such as e-commerce or the platform economy.

  • Artificial intelligence: AI applications are being used in more and more areas, from production to healthcare.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Connected devices and sensors enable new business models and improve the efficiency of processes.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting digital systems from cyberattacks is becoming increasingly important.

Technology is more than just an industry of the future. It is a profound change that affects all areas of our lives. Companies that fail to adapt to the digital transformation risk being left behind. Those that seize the opportunities offered by digitalization can benefit from considerable growth potential.

Only 0.5% management fee -
a third of the usual costs!

Sustained growth leads to large increases in value in the long term.

Historically favourable purchase prices increase the upside even further.

Paladin Langfrist offers exclusive access to high-quality companies with high growth potential. Investments are made at favourable valuations last seen in 2008. Attractive purchase prices and high free cash flows provide several layers of added security.

Smaller European equities currently offer exceptional opportunities due to significant undervaluations. Compared to historical valuation levels, the potential for a relative increase in valuations alone is 62 per cent. This phase opens up attractive entry opportunities for investors in a promising market environment.

Paladin Langfrist is characterised by aligned interests: Entrepreneurs, management and investors invest together in the same structure. The conditions are also exceptional: until the value of the fund has at least doubled for the investors, only 0.5% management fees are charged – a third of the usual costs in the private equity asset class!

The Paladin team only receives a performance fee when the fund has at least doubled in value for investors.

Join now at attractive entry-level conditions!

Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity now!

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* The Paladin Group consists of Paladin Asset Management InvAG m.v.K. und TGV, Paladin Acquisition GmbH and Paladin Langfrist GmbH & Co. KGaA

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